Monday, April 12, 2010

Is Fox a Media Militia?

Finally I think we have a label for Fox News. Fox News is a Media Militia. This would also be the correct label for Rush Limbaugh and many others that use hate speech. Start counting derogatory words and you are listening to a Media Militia

The only problem is, militias arm themselves with the most offensive weapons they can. In this case, fear, uncertainty, hate, and their own version of the truth.

The Tea Party is not quite a Media Militia, but its message is. In fact, if you look close, it is really a weapon used by Fox News, just as many of the far right militias uses their beliefs as a way to add recruits which is also where they get their money to operate. A Media Militia uses the hear and hate to attract eyes and ears and covering the Tea Party helps to ratchet up the fear and hate.

Thinking about certain types of media as a militia is not new. Here are a couple of articles:

The Rise of Glenn Beck's Bizarre Media Militia
Anti-Government Media Militia

Dog Whistle Politics

Dog Whistle Politics is a great phrase. It has everything: It is a code word, it sounds cute, and three is no mention of cats.

Think about what a dog whistle is. A dog whistle has such a high pitch that only a dog can hear the sound. So, what is Dog Whistle Politics? Quite simply it is saying something supposedly populist while your followers hear a different message. It sounds like Dog Whisperer stuff, but political.

I am sure I have heard the phrase, but I had not really listened. Of course the whistle was above my ability to hear. Remember, I am neither Democrat, Republican, or even see myself as an independent. I only believe in one issue, term limits (one term in office for each term in prison).

Dog Whistle Politics is hardly politics as usual. Speaking to your base supporters should not need to be in code. So why should a politician need to hide their message? The only time is when their base supporters or at least the ones that put them over the top on election day, are less than desirable. As an example, folks that wear sheets or would if that was socially acceptable (we are not talking toga parties). In other words, people that hate, have prejudices, or are otherwise not in the mainstream.

Recently the Governor of Virginia announced that it was Confederite History month. They say the dog whistle was that he did not mention slavery. Same thing in Texas, who really had very little to do with the Confederate War, but still a big Republican state and thus a Dog Whistle message to its Republican base. Of course the other big base is Christian. We should not be all gung-ho about the good old days of slavery, but we can talk about history. Make one group happy with the Dog Whistle while avoiding exposing prejudice to the other by wrapping it in a warm blanket of history.

Now that you have had this little lesson, are these Dog Whistle Politics:

  • Not voting for any progressive cause, because you missed a vote (voting with your feet) so that you are not on record for being against a progressive cause.
  • Voting against a progressive cause, because of a supposed pork item, not the cause (sounds like the no's on the healthcare reform act).

Know of any more examples? Comment below!

Dog Whistle Politics' and Journalism: Reporting Arabic and Muslim People in Sydney Newspapers

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fear Mongering, the RNC, and Donors

I told you that fear was a tool. The RNC seems to like its tools. Below is a slide from an RNC presentation to a committee on donations.

I found this at the Politico. Here is the link to the article:

The funny thing is that they have two great Obama posters that were unedited. Why? My guess is that they have some great psychological experts that told them to mix the good with the bad so that the good posters will evoke a knee jerk response as being bad.

The next thing to know about the latest news of RNC hanky-panky is that it isn't about a few bad receipts. Strip clubs aside, there is nothing new. This is nothing more than a bunch of people that feel entitled and are thus acting entitled.

The 'entitlement' is shown in the slide below too. The other guys are evil, they look evil, so we are good and can do anything we desire. Us against them. We are better just because the other guys are evil, we must be perfect in good. Not that they are, just that they now believe they are. There is a big difference between belief and fact as can be seen by RNC expense reports.

The moment you feel entitled, you loose. Suddenly you sink so low that you would defame a president or Scooby. Shame on the RNC, but we are not surprised.