Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fear Mongering, the RNC, and Donors

I told you that fear was a tool. The RNC seems to like its tools. Below is a slide from an RNC presentation to a committee on donations.

I found this at the Politico. Here is the link to the article:

The funny thing is that they have two great Obama posters that were unedited. Why? My guess is that they have some great psychological experts that told them to mix the good with the bad so that the good posters will evoke a knee jerk response as being bad.

The next thing to know about the latest news of RNC hanky-panky is that it isn't about a few bad receipts. Strip clubs aside, there is nothing new. This is nothing more than a bunch of people that feel entitled and are thus acting entitled.

The 'entitlement' is shown in the slide below too. The other guys are evil, they look evil, so we are good and can do anything we desire. Us against them. We are better just because the other guys are evil, we must be perfect in good. Not that they are, just that they now believe they are. There is a big difference between belief and fact as can be seen by RNC expense reports.

The moment you feel entitled, you loose. Suddenly you sink so low that you would defame a president or Scooby. Shame on the RNC, but we are not surprised.

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